MyVdFS Power of attorney

As a VdFS member with access to our online portal MyVdFS, you now have the option of authorizing a third person. This person can then manage your access and read or change your data and documents.

The authorization granted can be used by agencies, tax consultants or other representatives who can take over the usual MyVdFS functions on your behalf.

You can choose between two types:

1) Read authorization: The authorized user can only read and download. This function is primarily intended for tax consultants. 

2) Read and write authorization: The authorized user can change master data and report new works, as well as view and download all documents. The only exception is the bank details, which can only be changed by the member personally.

To give a power of attorney, click on Settings - Authorization in your MyVdFS account and fill out the form.

The data will be checked by us. After approval, the authorized user receives an automatic e-mail that must be confirmed. 
These steps ensure that the power of attorney has been issued correctly.

As soon as the authorized representative has been confirmed, they can either read (and download) your data or change your master data, report works and view and download credit notes.

We hope that this new service will be of additional benefit to you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!

You can change your settings and revoke your consent at any time. The lawfulness of the processing carried out on the basis of the consent up to the revocation is not affected by this. Additional information is available in our data protection policy.